Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I Got it!

If you have read my first blog, you'll know how our Lord works on me. I have brought my hopes and expectations in Singapore but at the back of my mind is the reality of uncertain circumstances. I'm not sure if I will be able to find what I am looking for, I asked myself "why am I here? I believed that the Lord wants me to come here for a purpose but during my first month, I was unsure of what I'm heading for. questions and regrets linger on my mind every night and what adds on to my anxiety is the crisis that the world is experiencing now. RECESSION! how can I find a job during this time?.. The latter part of 2007 until now, Singapore is affected by global crisis and it's depressing to know that fellow filipinos are sent home. I thought that I could never have a job. But I told myself why did the Lord made it possible for me to come here, in the first place...(whoa!) When the time I joined the Christian Fellowship, I began to understand what is really happening and how I should respond to the situation.

It may sound like surreal to say that the Fellowship changes my views of life but it indeed changes my LIFE!. when I started reading the BIBLE at home, I drew up closer to understand his purpose for me and the Lord did not fail to carry me. I did not wait long for an answer. NOw, I know the Lord wants me to strengthen my Faith and to Trust him at all times. never be decieved by evil infestations, I have surrendered my plans to the Lord and He led me to his perfect plan for me.

It's amazing that despite of the recession and the situation in Singapore to prioritize the citizens and PRs, I was able to get a job, I know the Lord has blessed me this because He hears me and listens to my heart. I did not wait long to get my first job in Singapore. I am currently a Fieldwork Executive (in other words, a Researcher) for a Medical Research firm But the Lord has blessed me more because his plan for me is not yet finished.

what my heart desires came to reality,, I believe that the Lord works in Miracles, but I did not rely on the miracles but on the Lord, above all He made this miracle for me to know He is with me all along. I got the job to work as Special Education Teacher for Autisim kids in a government school where I will soon start.. I can't believe that my prayers were answered. I know that this is my "calling". I know the Lord has blessed me this job for a purpose and I am ready to maximize my potentials to reach out and help the kids to believe that the Lord has a purpose for them on earth.

Now my heart sings with thanksgiving and gratitude,...From the very start I know the Angels brought me here to understand that miracles happen when you believe! You will WIN when you hold on to HIM!!

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